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Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 3 notícias
Frogs are screaming - we just can't hear them, scientists in Brazil discover
Publicado em 10 abril 2024
Some frogs scream at an ear-splitting volume for other animals but its frequency is inaudible to humans, scientists have discovered.
While out in the Amazonian jungle studying frogs, researchers in Brazil noticed something strange.
Small leaf litter frogs were arching their backs, throwing back their heads and opening their mouths wide.
They looked like they were screaming but the scientists could hear nothing.
When they recorded the frogs using high-frequency audio recorders, the [...]
Three dietary factors most to blame for the increase in type 2 diabetes, research says
Publicado em 18 abril 2023Researchers have identified three dietary factors that could be most to blame for the increase in type 2 diabetes. The findings are based on a research model of dietary intake in 184 countries, by researchers at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University in America. They considered 11 dietary factors and found the three most responsible for the rise in diabetes were: not eating enough whole grains like oats and whole wheat, eating too much refined rice and [...]ver notícia -
Fear really can turn your hair white, new research suggests
Publicado em 23 janeiro 2020For centuries the legend of people’s hair turning white with fear has persisted. Famously, Marie Antoinette’s luxuriant strawberry-blonde locks were said to have turned blanc on the night before her execution. Now new research, published in the journal Nature, suggests extreme stress may indeed cause hair to lose its pigmentation. Experiments by a Harvard University team have shown that extreme levels of stress causes the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the [...]ver notícia