Moomoo (EUA)
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 2 notícias
Brazilian Scientists From Embraer's "Silent Aircraft Program" Nominated for European Inventor Award
Publicado em 16 maio 2024
- The inventors, Micael Carmo and Fernando Catalano, will represent teams from Embraer and research centers, respectively - Funded by Embraer, FAPESP and FINEP, the studies involved more than 200 researchers, granted several patents, and generated important contributions for more efficient aircraft development
São José dos Campos, Brazil, May 16, 2024 - Brazilian scientists Micael Carmo and Fernando Catalano have been selected as finalists by the European Patent Office (EPO) in the [...]
Amazon Forest's Carbon Emissions Soared Under Bolsonaro's Leadership, Study Finds
Publicado em 27 agosto 2023According to a recent study, the Amazon forest's carbon emissions took a dramatic leap under former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro's administration, Reuters reported. 根据最近的一项研究,在巴西前总统的领导下,亚马逊森林的碳排放量急剧上升 贾尔·博尔索纳罗路透社报道,他的政府。 The study was conducted by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). It revealed that carbon emissions in the Amazon surged in [...]ver notícia