Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 6 notícias
Researchers use artificial intelligence to help diagnose autism, study says
Publicado em 16 agosto 2023
Researchers are proposing using artificial intelligence technology to help diagnose autism spectrum disorder. In a recent article published in Scientific Reports, researchers from Brazil, France and Germany reportedly used magnetic resonance imaging to train a machine learning algorithm. The work – in which the “quantitative diagnostic method” is proposed – was based on brain imaging data for 500 people, with more than 240 that had been diagnosed with autism. WHAT IS [...]
Pesquisa indica que não há dose segura de agrotóxico – Jornal de Brasília | MondialNews
Publicado em 04 agosto 2019Uma análise de dez agrotóxicos de largo uso no País revela que os pesticidas são extremamente tóxicos ao meio ambiente e à vida em qualquer concentração – mesmo quando utilizados em dosagens equivalentes a até um trigésimo do recomendado pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa). Encomendado pelo Ministério da Saúde e realizado pelo Instituto Butantã, o estudo [...]ver notícia -
Pouca massa muscular pode indicar risco de morte para idosos
Publicado em 13 julho 2019Idosas com pouca massa muscular podem ter até 63 vezes mais risco de morrer do que mulheres acima de 65 anos sem essa condição física, revela estudo desenvolvido na Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Nos homens, a mortalidade pode ser 11,4 vezes maior. Foram acompanhadas 839 pessoas, moradoras do bairro Butantã, na zona oeste paulistana. Os estudos tiveram início em 2005, com a participação de um grupo de 1.025 pessoas idosas. Elas [...]ver notícia -
New Dairy Cattle Breeding Method Increases Genetic Selection Efficiency
Publicado em 05 julho 2019Brazilian scientists at São Paulo State University (UNESP) collaborating with colleagues at the University of Maryland and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have developed a dairy cattle breeding method that adds a new parameter to genetic selection and conserves or even improves a population’s genetic diversity.The study, which is published in Journal of Dairy Science, was funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP and USDA. Besides genetic [...]ver notícia -
Researchers identify genes linked to sex differentiation in giant Amazon fish
Publicado em 24 junho 2019Brazil.- Brazilian and German scientists have completed a collaborative project to sequence and analyze the whole genome ofArapaima gigas, a giant freshwater fish known in Brazil as pirarucu and elsewhere asarapaima or paiche. Its growth rate is the fastest among known freshwater fish species. Its natural distribution covers most of the Amazon River basin in Peru and Brazil. The research led to discoveries that help determine sex at an early stage, facilitating the separation of female and [...]ver notícia -
3D reconstruction of craniums elucidates the evolution of New World monkeys
Publicado em 17 junho 2019Cranial fossils belonging to two extinct species of monkey – Caipora bambuiorum and Cartelles coimbrafilhoi – were examined by computed tomography (CT) scan and reconstructed with three-dimensional imaging by a group of scientists from various countries. The fossils were found almost 30 years ago in a cave complex in Bahia, Brazil, located in the Caatinga, a semiarid biome that occupies part of Brazil’s Northeast Region. The images were compared with those of craniums from [...]ver notícia