Since the discovery that patients with leukemia, exposed to mustard gas in World War II, showed improvement in the disease, Science has made great progress in the discovery of drugs capable of inhibiting the multiplication of cancer cells in the body. At the beginning of the 20th century, treatment was palliative and only guaranteed patient survival. In some conditions, the effect of the drug treated cancer, but had a devastating effect on the patient’s immunity, and could lead to death from other complications. Today, molecular research points to a path of hope in detecting cancers, even before they show signs in the body. One of them, focused on the treatment of breast cancer, is headed by the Faculty of Medicine of Rio Preto.
This Sunday, November 27, is dedicated to the National Day to Combat Cancer, the second leading cause of death in Brazil, second only to heart disease. The National Cancer Institute (Inca) projects 704,000 new cases of cancer in Brazil in 2023, with a higher incidence in the southeastern region of Brazil, with prostate cancer being more prevalent in men (77 per 100,000 inhabitants) and breast cancer in women (84 per 100 thousand inhabitants).
Professor in the department of molecular biology at Famerp, Débora Zuccari coordinates a molecular investigation of breast cancer through liquid biopsy.
“Our work is aimed at women diagnosed with the ‘triple receptor negative’ subtype, which is more aggressive and resistant to common treatments. It affects 15% of patients, with direct indication for surgery”, she explains.
The researchers’ work method consists of collecting a blood sample from the vein for analysis in the laboratory.
“The objective is to identify proteins that can be considered biomarkers, that is, that decrease or increase considerably in the bloodstream of patients with this type of diagnosis. The incidence of the same protein in samples from different women can bring us conclusive answers about the development of cancer even before the patient has any symptoms of the disease, “she says.
The researcher says that the work already contributes to the oncological treatment of approximately 30 women assisted by the Hospital de Base, because the team of scientists maintains communication with the doctors sharing discoveries about the genetic profile of the tumor – essential information to define the most adequate therapy for every situation.
Funded by the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), the expectation is that, with the definition of triple negative breast cancer biomarkers, the protein can be tracked in common blood tests offered by the Unified Health System .
“The impact of this discovery is huge, because it tends to revolutionize what we understand by early diagnosis. This has repercussions on treatment, as it increases the chances of disease remission, and contributes to the efficiency of public spending on cancer treatments,” he says.
Famerp is also collaborating in research coordinated by Professor Carlos Rossa Júnior, from Unesp in Araraquara, in the development of drugs capable of strengthening the body’s defense systems so that the body eliminates cancer cells on its own in the head and neck region. The medicine would act to stop the progression of the disease.
Cancer is a term that encompasses more than 100 different types of malignant diseases that have in common the disorderly growth of cells, which can invade adjacent tissues or distant organs.
A genetic mutation, that is, an alteration in the cell’s DNA, is the starting point for the emergence of cancer. Due to this change, the cell starts to receive wrong information for its activities
Cancer can arise anywhere in the body. However, some organs are more affected than others; and each organ, in turn, can be affected by different types of tumor, more or less aggressive
Cancer treatment can be done through surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or bone marrow transplant. In many cases, it is necessary to combine more than one modality.
Precision Diagnosis
“Two patients with the same type of cancer may respond differently to treatment. The explanation lies in the analysis of the molecular profile, which determines the speed of cell multiplication, loss of function, invasive power and ability to undergo metastases. Personalized therapy is the future of oncology,” says Tamara Veiga Faria, PhD in Health Sciences and professor at Faceres.
She mentions that understanding the action of genes has enabled science to develop molecular target drugs, that is, drugs that act directly on the tumor, producing fewer adverse effects on the body (hair loss, mouth sores) and ensuring better therapeutic response.
“It is a field with numerous studies under development. There are still no drugs for all the proteins and the treatments already approved are only available in the private network or in some hospitals through partnerships with research centers. But the expectation is that, in the future, cancer will be a controlled disease, as HIV has become, ”he says.
The expert mentions that, through genetic mapping, it is possible to measure the percentage of probability of the patient having cancer, in situations of family history.
“However, it is important to highlight that the hereditary factor affects only 10% of cancer cases. In 90%, the genes are altered by cigarettes, alcohol abuse and excessive consumption of fat, sugars, processed meats and foods rich in sodium”, he adds. (JT)