Food and drinking water quality are essential to our health. Below are some of the latest headlines from the Food and Water Safety channel on Newswise.
Cleaning water with ‘smart rust’ and magnets (Embargoed until 16-Aug-2023 5:00 AM EDT)
-American Chemical Society (ACS)
Current estimates of Lake Erie algae toxicity may miss the mark
-Ohio State University
-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
-Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
UIC leads field study on home, water safety after Ohio chemical spill
-University of Illinois Chicago
-National University of Singapore (NUS)
In the wake of aspartame news, should you kick your diet soda habit? FSU experts weigh in
-Florida State University
School Meals Would Be Even Healthier if Compliant with U.S. Nutrition Standards, Study Finds
-Tufts University
New optimization strategy boosts water quality, decreases diversion costs
-Chinese Academy of Sciences
-Virginia Tech
Eliminating public health scourge can also benefit agriculture
-University of Notre Dame
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