Mikami Environmental Blog
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Desde 1995: 25 notícias
USP testa moléculas com potencial de interromper ciclo do novo coronavírus
Publicado em 29 abril 2020
The molecules that will be tested have been studied for years by the Medicinal and Biological Chemistry Group at IQSC, but to combat Chagas disease - Photo: Henrique Fontes / IQSC // As moléculas que serão testadas já são estudadas há anos pelo Grupo de Química Medicinal e Biológica do IQSC, mas para o combate à doença de Chagas – Foto: Henrique Fontes/IQSC
USP* tests molecules with the potential to interrupt the new [...]
Coronavirus damage
Publicado em 02 abril 2020Infection with Sars-CoV-2 causes extensive and multiple lesions in the lungs, according to preliminary results of autopsies performed at USP Since the first death by infection with the new coronavirus in the country, which occurred on March 17 in São Paulo, a team of pathologists from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FM-USP) performed a less invasive version of autopsy on six bodies. The preliminary results of four post-mortem examinations confirm what had [...]ver notícia -
Sea level rises 2.5 times faster than 20th century, says IPCC
Publicado em 30 setembro 2019Sea level rises 2.5 times faster than 20th century, says IPCC By Elton Alisson FAPESP Agency Global warming has increased the temperature of the oceans and the melting of glaciers and ice sheets in the polar and mountainous regions of the planet. This combination of factors has led to an increase in sea level and, consequently, the frequency and intensity of extreme coastal events such as floods. The findings are from a special report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [...]ver notícia -
Publicado em 01 agosto 2019Parabéns Ministro Celso de Mello (STF): "a reedição da MP demarcação de terras indígenas é uma afronta a Constituição", num claro recado ao Bolsonaro. E pela Constituição a demarcação das terras indígenas é competência da Funai e do Congresso Nacional. Não pode ser feito por simples decreto do presidente. E aponta “comportamento ilícito” de Bolsonaro [...]ver notícia -
Publicado em 01 agosto 2019Increased deforestation in the Amazon is unquestionable, says Carlos Nobre * Carlos Nobre is one of the most relevant Brazilian scientists. In the coming days will be released data of monitoring of a full year, obtained by Inpe, which should confirm the finding, said the researcher in lecture at the 71st Annual Meeting of SBPC A target of recent questioning, the increase in deforestation in the Amazon in recent months, compared to 2018, is unquestionable. The increase was pointed to by the [...]ver notícia -
Para um mundo melhor / For a better world
Publicado em 03 julho 2019Map of food poisoning by agrochemicals in Brazil launched in Europe In chronic exposure to agrochemicals, Brazil is at greater risk of death and disease development The poisoning atlas was launched in Berlin, Germany, home to the world's largest agrochemical companies: Bayer / Monsanto (incorporated by the Bayer group) and BASF, which dominate the production of the entire food chain - seeds, fertilizers and agrochemicals By Ivanir Ferreira Journal of the USP A daring geography paper [...]ver notícia -
Como as florestas renascem
Publicado em 20 junho 2019BIODIVERSITY (455) How forests are reborn In dry areas, hardwood trees are the first to regenerate naturally, unlike in wetlands By Rafael Garcia an international collaboration that brings together 85 researchers from 16 countries is trying to better understand the mechanisms of regeneration of tropical forests in Latin America that have been deforested. The group, named 2ndFOR, reports in its most recent study that the dynamics of progressive changes, over time, in the composition of tree [...]ver notícia -
Study indicates potential life on other planets of the Milky Way
Publicado emOne of the conditions that allowed the emergence and maintenance of life on Earth is that the planet is geologically active, with earthquakes and volcanoes. By Elton Alisson | FAPESP Agency * * Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo Volcanic activity, generated by the movement of tectonic plates on the Earth's mantle (tectonism), makes it possible to recycle gases, such as carbon dioxide, through the mantle, crust, atmosphere and oceans. In this way, it contributes to making [...]ver notícia -
Publicado emMost of the circulating carbon in lakes, floodplains and floodplains does not come from phytoplankton, invertebrates or fish, but from the microbial food web (photo: José Renato Venâncio Resende / Wikimedia Commons) // Maior parte do carbono circulante em lagos, várzeas e planícies inundáveis não vem do fitoplâncton, de invertebrados ou de peixes, mas da teia alimentar microbiana (foto: José Renato Venâncio Resende/Wikimedia Commons) BIODIVERSITY (442) Microorganisms are the largest [...]ver notícia -
Climate Change / Mudanças Climáticas (468)
Publicado emFAPESP Agency Herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, insectivores, frugivores, butchers and decomposers. Earth's ecosystems function in a formidable web of interactions between plants, animals, insects, fungi and microorganisms. A key part of these interactions lies in the balance of the food chain between predators and herbivores, which regulates the planet's plant production. This balance between predators and prey that feed on plants can be altered as a result of future climate changes. The [...]ver notícia