Long Room (EUA)
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 67 notícias
Experiments detect entropy production in mesoscopic quantum systems
Publicado em 16 janeiro 2019
One of the most important aims of contemporary scientific research is knowing exactly where the transition occurs from the quantum world to the classical world and why it occurs -- in other words, finding out what makes the production of entropy predominate. This aim explains the current interest in studying mesoscopic systems, which are not as small as individual atoms but nevertheless display well-defined quantum behavior.
A new experimental study by researchers from Brazil and elsewhere [...]
Bioluminescence sensors make new approaches to drug discovery possible
Publicado em 03 janeiro 2019The study, published in the journal Science Signaling, paves the way for new drugs to be tested and characterized. The biosensors are based on the action of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which are membrane-bound proteins involved in communication between cells.The researchers did not choose to study GPCRs by chance. Between one-third and half of all drugs currently on the market are estimated to target these receptors. Proteins - Targets - Drugs - Array - Disorders "These proteins are [...]ver notícia -
Key gene to accelerate sugarcane growth is identified
Publicado em 02 janeiro 2019Despite international breeding efforts, advanced agronomy and effective management of pests and diseases, sugarcane yields have been static for decades owing to constraints on culm development. The culm's sugar storage capacity is physically limited, restricting the volume of sucrose and biomass that can be obtained from the crop for sugar and second-generation (2G) ethanol production, according to experts in the area. "Breaking through this developmental threshold by conventional breeding [...]ver notícia -
Cappuccino made with jackfruit seed flour has chocolate aroma
Publicado em 29 outubro 2018According to a new study, roasted jackfruit seeds can replace between 50 percent and 75 percent of the cocoa that is blended with milk and coffee to make cappuccino without impairing flavor or aroma. "Flour made from roasted jackfruit seeds naturally releases a mild chocolate aroma," said food scientist Fernanda Papa Spada , a recipient of a scholarship, from São Paulo Research Foundation—FAPESP, who performed the study at the University of São Paulo's Luiz de Queiroz College of [...]ver notícia -
Colored filter improves dyslexic children's reading speed
Publicado em 18 outubro 2018A study described in an article by Brazilian and French researchers reports increased reading speed for nine- and ten-year-old volunteers with dyslexia who used green filters. The filters had no effect on age-matched children without dyslexia. Colored filters for the treatment of learning disabilities were first patented in 1983. They were also designed for use by children with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Studies - Efficacy - Methodology - Time - [...]ver notícia -
Four extremely young asteroid families identified
Publicado em 30 setembro 2018Four families of extremely young asteroids have been identified by researchers affiliated with São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Guaratinguetá, Brazil. An article on the discovery has been published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. "We identified the new families by means of numerical simulation using the backward integration method (BIM), which is much more precise than other methods for dating asteroid families. But BIM only works for really young families that are [...]ver notícia -
Physical exercise improves the elimination of toxic proteins from muscles
Publicado em 27 setembro 2018This is a typical muscle dysfunction condition that affects the elderly or individuals suffering from sciatic nerve injury, something usually verified in bedridden patients or workers who spend long hours sitting. From tests with rats with induced sciatic nerve injury -- which, therefore, stopped receiving stimuli -- researchers found that this buildup was caused by the impairment of autophagy, the cellular machinery responsible for identifying and removing damaged proteins and toxins. The [...]ver notícia -
Climate change may drive 10 percent of amphibian species in the Atlantic Rainforest to extinction
Publicado em 13 setembro 2018This is one of the findings of a study that analyzes the present and future distribution of anurans (tailless amphibians, i.e., frogs and toads) in Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest and Cerrado (savanna) biomes in the context of climate change due to continuous global warming. A paper on the study has been published in the journal Ecology and Evolution. The first author is herpetologist Tiago da Silveira Vasconcelos, a researcher at São Paulo State University's School of Sciences (FC-UNESP) in [...]ver notícia -
How a moderate dose of alcohol protects the heart
Publicado em 19 junho 2018A study conducted at the University of São Paulo's Biomedical Science Institute (ICB-USP) in Brazil suggests that this cardioprotective mechanism may be associated with activation of ALDH2 (aldehyde dehydrogenase-2), a mitochondrial enzyme that helps rid the organism of both the toxic byproducts of alcohol digestion and a type of reactive molecule produced in heart cells when they suffer major damage, such as that caused by a heart attack. "Our data suggest moderate exposure to ethanol causes [...]ver notícia -
Study develops a model enhancing particle beam efficiency
Publicado em 07 junho 2018Whatever the use, controlling chaos and boosting particle flow efficiency are the goals of the scientific community in this field. A paper describing a new contribution in this direction has recently been published in the journal Physics of Plasmas by Meirielen Caetano de Sousa, a postdoctoral student with a scholarship from São Paulo Research Foundation -- FAPESP working at the University of São Paulo's Physics Institute (IF-USP) in Brazil, and her supervisor Iberê Luiz Caldas, Full [...]ver notícia