Long Room (EUA)
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 67 notícias
Extinction of lowland tapir and white-lipped peccary would impair forest diversity
Publicado em 11 maio 2019
According to a team of researchers affiliated with São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Rio Claro, Brazil, the extinction of South America's two largest herbivores—the lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) and the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) - would cause a significant decrease in forest diversity throughout the continent.
The results of experiments that began ten years ago showed that plant communities are more diversified in areas where both species are present and [...]
New molecule maps cerebrovascular system
Publicado em 06 maio 2019The research was supported by São Paulo Research Foundation -- FAPESP and led by Ricardo José Giordano, a professor at the University of São Paulo's Chemistry Institute (IQ-USP) in Brazil and head of its Vascular Biology Laboratory. The results are published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). As Giordano explained, the main obstacle to the development of drugs capable of binding to blood vessels in the brain is the blood-brain barrier, a [...]ver notícia -
Bactericidal action of violacein revealed
Publicado em 05 maio 2019In an article published in the journal ACS Infectious Diseases, Brazilian researchers describe the bactericidal action mechanism of violacein, a violet pigment produced by environmental bacteria, especially Chromobacterium violaceum. According to the authors of the study, the substance targets the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria, mainly affecting gram-positive bacteria such as those of the genera Streptococcus, Enterococcus and Listeria. Its various biological activities include the capacity [...]ver notícia -
The Tiete, Sao Paulo State's main river, is filtered by dam reservoirs
Publicado em 01 maio 2019In São Paulo City, Brazil, the Tietê River is polluted by a vast amount of waste, mainly domestic sewage, but the farther it runs into the interior, the better the quality of its water becomes. It is much less murky at Barra Bonita, 294 km from São Paulo, and transparent at Buritama (546 km). A study by Brazilian researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Presidente Prudente and São José dos Campos shows that this change in water quality as [...]ver notícia -
Study shows the potential of carbon nanotubes to cool electronic circuits
Publicado em 26 abril 2019The use of solid-state refrigerators to cool appliances and electronic devices is a possible technological application for a theoretical study conducted at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in São Paulo State, Brazil. Although this application is not considered in the study, which was based on computer simulations, such applications are on the horizon and could be an efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to vapor-compression refrigerators, which currently dominate the [...]ver notícia -
Intensive silviculture accelerates Atlantic rainforest biodiversity regeneration
Publicado em 23 abril 2019An experiment conducted in Brazil in an area of Atlantic Rainforest suggests that intensive silviculture, including the use of herbicide and substantial amounts of fertilizer, is a more effective approach to promoting the regeneration of tropical forest and biomass gain than the traditional method based on manual weeding and less fertilizer. The study was supported by São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP. The principal investigator was Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion, a professor of [...]ver notícia -
Growth hormone acts to prevent weight loss
Publicado em 14 abril 2019A paper on the discovery has just been published in the journal Nature Communications. "Growth hormone has been known for decades, but our discovery shows it does a lot more than was thought," said José Donato Junior, a professor at the University of São Paulo's Biomedical Science Institute (ICB-USP) and one of the authors of the paper. "GH receptors are found in large quantities in muscle and tissue, in the liver, and in organs directly involved in growth metabolism, but we found that the [...]ver notícia -
Biophotonic therapy eliminates bacteria and viruses from organs before transplantation
Publicado em 11 abril 2019The research is supported by São Paulo Research Foundation -- FAPESP and has been partially conducted at the Optics and Photonics Research Center (CEPOF), hosted by the University of São Paulo (USP) at São Carlos in São Paulo State (Brazil). "This biophotonic technique is revolutionary, as it helps avoid the transmission of diseases during organ transplantation," said Vanderlei Bagnato, Full Professor at the University of São Paulo, Director of its São Carlos Physics Institute [...]ver notícia -
Astronomers find evidence of a planet with a mass almost 13 times that of Jupiter
Publicado em 08 abril 2019Brazilian astronomers have now found the first evidence of the existence of an exoplanet orbiting an older or more evolved binary in which one of the two stars is dead. The study resulted from a postdoctoral research project and a research internship abroad, both with scholarships from São Paulo Research Foundation -- FAPESP. Its findings have just been published in the Astronomical Journal. Leonardo - Andrade - Almeida - Author - Article Leonardo Andrade de Almeida, first author of [...]ver notícia -
Experiments with roundworms suggest alternatives for the treatment of schizophrenia
Publicado emThe studies are conducted by researchers in the Pharmacology Department of the Federal University of São Paulo's Medical School (EPM-UNIFESP), collaborating with colleagues at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). An article on some of the findings has been published in the journal Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. Schizophrenia is a highly complex mental disorder with unknown causes and no cure. Pharmacological treatment consists basically of the administration [...]ver notícia