Scientists from universities in Brazil, Italy and Britain conducted a study and found that riding in the car to music improves heart function, lowering the stress level of the driver.
On the work of experts said in an article published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine.
The researchers conducted the experiment, selecting for his five girls aged 18 to 23 years old with little driving experience, having taken over the wheel 1-2 times a week. This is because experienced drivers are better able to cope with stress that would violate the purity of the experiment.
The first day took the girls to a ride on a busy highway for 20 minutes during rush hour and they did not include any music. The next day everything was repeated, but this time they played the album with instrumental compositions. Moreover, to enhance the stress of the subjects gave the wrong, unusual cars.
Scientists measured the load on the heart with the help of sensors fixed at girls breast. The result was that when listening to music stress levels were lower.
For the purity of the experiment, the scientists ruled out the influence of sex hormones, therefore, the study involved only women.
“If together with the women participants were men, and we found strong discrepancies in the testimony between the two groups, then the cause could be female sex hormones,” explained Vitor Engracia Valenti from the University of são Paulo.