Lab Manager (Canadá)
Em 2025: 1 notícias
Desde 1995: 34 notícias
Warding Off Superbugs with a Pinch of Turmeric
Publicado em 07 fevereiro 2025
In 2017, a tragic incident unfolded in a Nevada hospital. A woman, admitted for pneumonia, tragically succumbed to multiple organ failure and sepsis. The culprit? A strain of bacteria that had developed resistance to a staggering 26 different antibiotics. These superbugs, or antibiotic-resistant bacteria, stand as one of the most pressing public health threats globally.
Joining the effort to fight these deadly pathogens, researchers at Texas A&M have now shown that curcumin, the compound [...]
Curcumin Nanoemulsion Tested for Treatment of Intestinal Inflammation
Publicado emA formulation developed by Brazilian researchers proved effective in tests involving micever notícia -
Study Paves Way for Development of Advanced Quantum Networks
Publicado em 27 dezembro 2023The use of nanometric optomechanical cavities as bridges between superconducting circuits and optical fibers The ability to transmit information coherently in the band of the electromagnetic spectrum from microwave to infrared is vitally important to the development of the advanced quantum networks used in computing and communications. A study conducted by researchers at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil, in collaboration with colleagues at ETH Zurich in Switzerland and [...]ver notícia -
A new map showing all above-ground biomass in the Brazilian Amazon
Publicado em 20 dezembro 2023Publication of a new map showing all the above-ground biomass in the Brazilian Amazon is good news in the context of the severe crisis afflicting the world’s largest contiguous tropical rain forest. Using airborne laser scanning and satellite imagery calibrated by field forest inventories and integrated by heavy-duty computer processing and machine learning, the map reflects the world’s largest survey of tropical forest biomass ever conducted. Results of the study are [...]ver notícia -
Electronic Pathways May Enhance Collective Atomic Vibrations’ Magnetism
Publicado em 18 dezembro 2023HOUSTON, TX — Materials with enhanced thermal conductivity are critical for the development of advanced devices to support applications in communications, clean energy, and aerospace. But in order to engineer materials with this property, scientists need to understand how phonons, or quantum units of the vibration of atoms, behave in a particular substance. “Phonons are quite important for studying new materials because they govern several material properties such as thermal [...]ver notícia -
Biopesticide Is Harmless to Mammals but Can Wipe Out Colonies of Wasps
Publicado em 11 dezembro 2023Some wasps and bees are able to recognize sick nestmates by smell and can prevent their entry into the nest to avert infection of the entire colony, assuring its survival and that of the species in the long run. A study supported by FAPESP and described in an article published in the journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research shows that this recognition does not happen in paper wasps of the species Mischocyttarus metathoracicus infected by a [...]ver notícia -
Sensor to Monitor Levels of Widely Used Antibiotic in Water and Food
Publicado em 08 dezembro 2023Researchers at the Center for Development of Functional Materials (CDMF) describe in the Journal of Molecular Liquids the development of a sensor that detects metronidazole in organisms and the environment. Metronidazole is an antibiotic used in human and veterinary medicine. Accumulation of this drug in the body can result in various health problems, and levels in blood, water, meat, and milk, among others, need to be monitored. The sensor combined magnetic fluorescent multi-functional [...]ver notícia -
Promising Results against Capacity Loss in Vanadium Batteries
Publicado em 23 novembro 2023An article by researchers at the Center for Development of Functional Materials (CDMF) in Brazil describes a successful strategy to mitigate charge capacity loss in vanadium redox flow batteries, which are used by electric power utilities among other industries and can accumulate large amounts of energy. The article is published in the Chemical Engineering Journal. CDMF is a Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center (RIDC) funded by FAPESP and hosted by the Federal University of [...]ver notícia -
Copper-based catalysts efficiently turn carbon dioxide into methane
Publicado em 26 setembro 2023The lab of Rice University materials scientist Pulickel Ajayan and collaborators developed a way to wrest the carbon from carbon dioxide and affix it to hydrogen atoms, forming methane ⎯ a valuable fuel and industrial feedstock. According to the study published in Advanced Materials, the method relies on electrolysis and catalysts developed by grafting isolated copper atoms on two-dimensional polymer templates. “Electricity-driven carbon dioxide conversion can produce a large array [...]ver notícia -
A Novel Method to Obtain Acetone More Simply, Safely, and Cheaply
Publicado em 14 setembro 2023Acetone is an essential chemical industry input and is used in the manufacturing of a wide array of products, such as adhesives, antibiotics, electronic components, solvents and removers, inks, and vitamins, among others. Its production is complex and hazardous. To simplify the process and make it safer and cheaper, researchers in Brazil and Germany have developed an innovative method that uses only light and photoactive iron chloride (FeCl3), an inexpensive chemical compound. An [...]ver notícia