La Prensa Latina Media (EUA)
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Desde 1995: 6 notícias
Brazil finds factor upping chance of being infected with UK virus strain - La Prensa Latina Media
Publicado em 06 janeiro 2021
Rio de Janeiro, Jan 5 (efe-epa).- A group of Brazilian researchers has identified one of the factors that increases the possibility of infection by the British strain of the coronavirus, which is some 70 percent more infectious than other variants, the Foundation for Support of Research in Sao Paulo State (Fapesp).
The Brazilian researchers determined that the protein spike of the new strain, which is what forms the structure of the virus’s corona that gives the name to the coronavirus [...]
Brazil finds factor upping chance of being infected with UK virus strain
Publicado em 05 janeiro 2021Rio de Janeiro, Jan 5 (efe-epa).- A group of Brazilian researchers has identified one of the factors that increases the possibility of infection by the British strain of the coronavirus, which is some 70 percent more infectious than other variants, the Foundation for Support of Research in Sao Paulo State (Fapesp). The Brazilian researchers determined that the protein spike of the new strain, which is what forms the structure of the virus's corona that gives the name to the coronavirus [...]ver notícia -
Brazil firm creates coronavirus-killing coating
Publicado em 15 setembro 2020Sao Paulo, Sep 15 (efe-epa).- Handles, elevator buttons and touch screens are among the possible applications for an adhesive plastic film that kills Covid-19 germs, the Brazilian company behind the coating said Tuesday. Testing has shown that the substance, consisting of polyethylene with microparticles of silver and silicon oxide, can eliminate 99.84 percent of coronavirus traces on a surface within two minutes of contact. The product, marketed by Promaflex, was developed by Nanox with [...]ver notícia -
Brazil Heading for Perfect Storm: Coronavirus, Flu, Dengue and Measles
Publicado em 17 maio 2020SAO PAULO – Still far from the anticipated “peak” of the coronavirus but on the verge of the Southern Hemisphere’s winter, Brazil is heading towards a “perfect storm” of disease with the COVID-19 curve on the rise, the start of the flu season, the dengue season still under way and active outbreaks of other diseases that experts thought had been conquered, including measles. While the intensive care units at local hospitals continue to fill up, President Jair [...]ver notícia -
Brasil abre una nueva vía en la carrera por la vacuna contra el coronavirus
Publicado emSao Paulo, 18 mar (EFE).- Científicos brasileños desarrollan una vacuna contra el coronavirus con un método diferente al utilizado hasta ahora por la industria farmacéutica y grupos de investigadores de otros países, que esperan que sea testada en animales en los próximos meses. Es el gran reto actual de la comunidad científica internacional y Brasil, como potencia de Latinoamérica, se ha sumado a esta agónica carrera por descubrir [...]ver notícia -
Científicos experimentan en humanos una vacuna más eficaz contra la neumonía
Publicado em 14 fevereiro 2020Una nueva vacuna contra la neumonía, desarrollada por científicos brasileños y estadounidenses, y que según los expertos brinda mayor efectividad contra la enfermedad a un precio menor, comenzó a ser experimentada en humanos, informaron fuentes científicas este viernes 14 de febrero del 2020. De acuerdo con la Fundación de Apoyo a la Investigación del Estado de Sao Paulo (Fapesp), la vacuna sería capaz de proteger contra todos los [...]ver notícia