Veículo (Índia)
Em 2025: 1 notícias
Desde 1995: 8 notícias
Study suggest Brazilian plant compound may be key to treating kala-azar
Publicado em 08 janeiro 2025
New Delhi, Jan 8 (IANS) Kala-azar or visceral leishmaniasis -- a deadly neglected tropical disease -- can be better treated using a compound derived from Nectandra leucantha -- a tree native to southern Brazil (local names: canela-seca or canela-branca), claimed a study.Kala-azar is caused by a protozoan parasite transmitted by a sandfly bite and is characterised by long bouts of fever, loss of weight and muscle strength, enlargement of the spleen and liver, and anaemia.
An international [...]
Prior Zika infection may spike risk of severe dengue: Study
Publicado em 07 fevereiro 2024People who have had zika run a higher risk of subsequently having severe dengue and being hospitalised, a new study has showed. The analysis by a team of Brazilian researchers showed that patients with a history of zika infection had a 2.34 times higher risk of developing severe dengue. They also had a 3.39 times higher risk of hospitalisation compared to the controls (subjects with no dengue and no zika history). Relatively advanced age (over 59) was also a higher risk factor for severe [...]ver notícia -
Low protein diet in pregnancy may up prostate cancer risk in kids later
Publicado em 25 janeiro 2024Sao Paulo, Jan 25 (IANS) Children born to women who were malnourished during pregnancy tend to face a higher risk of prostate cancer in adulthood, according to two studies in mice. In the first study, researchers at Sao Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil detected alterations in gene expression that may have been associated with the hormone imbalance observed in the rats’ offspring and the heightened risk of prostate cancer. “Lack of protein during gestation and lactation [...]ver notícia -
Just 30-min walk can improve blood pressure in women with arthritis
Publicado em 17 janeiro 2024Sao Paulo, Jan 17 (IANS) A 30-minute walk at moderate intensity temporarily reduced blood pressure in women with rheumatoid arthritis, not only at rest but also under stress, according to a study. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease affecting synovial joints and causing pain, swelling, and progressive physical incapacity. People with rheumatoid arthritis also tend to have high blood pressure, and previous research has shown that the risk of death from cardiovascular [...]ver notícia -
Severe Covid-19 is a thrombotic disease: Study
Publicado em 09 dezembro 2023Blood clotting (thrombosis) in the capillary vessels of the lungs is one of the first consequences of severe Covid-19, even preceding the respiratory distress caused by diffuse alveolar damage, according to a study. The study, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, described autopsies of nine patients who died after developing the severe form of the disease showed a clearly typified condition involving alterations to lung vascularisation and thrombosis. For the first time, the [...]ver notícia -
Vegan diet may lower risk of eating disorders: Study
Publicado em 28 setembro 2023People who follow vegan diets have low risk of eating disorders, finds a study. The team at University of Sao Paulo (USP) in Brazil used an online questionnaire to collect socio-demographic data (such as education, income and location, among others) and information on eating habits for 971 participants aged 18 or older from all parts of Brazil. Analysing the data, they were able to arrive at the percentage of vegan diet followers reporting dysfunctional dietary behaviour and therefore, [...]ver notícia -
Cell therapy can cut death risk from Covid-19 by 60%: Study
Publicado em 19 setembro 2023New Delhi, Sep 19 (IANS) The use of cell therapy to treat COVID-19 patients can reduce the risk of death from the disease by 60 per cent, according to a new study.The systematic review and meta-analysis covered 195 clinical trials of advanced cell therapies targeting COVID-19 that were conducted in 30 countries between January 2020 and December 2021, as well as 26 trials with outcomes published by July 2022. The findings of the study, conducted by researchers at the University of Sao Paulo [...]ver notícia -
Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon indigenous lands jumps 129% in 2013-2021
Publicado em 26 abril 2023Brasilia, April 26 (IANS) Illegal deforestation on indigenous lands in the Brazilian Amazon jumped 129 per cent between 2013 and 2021, a study released by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation revealed. This generated 96 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, with 59 per cent occurring between 2019 and 2021, the study published in the journal “Scientific Reports” detailed. The study analysed 232 indigenous territories and found deforestation in the territories reached 1,708 [...]ver notícia