

Institute for the Protection of Natural Health Lots of plastic! (868 notícias)

Publicado em 05 de outubro de 2024

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A study published on September 16 in an international scientific journal (JAMA) reveals that microplastic particles can be found in the human brain. (1)

Researchers analyzed human brain tissue from 15 people. (1)

They detected the presence of microplastics in 8 of them.

More specifically, they found these plastic particles in the olfactory bulb, which is the area of ​​the nervous system located above the nose. (2)

It is used to smell odors and transmit information to the body.

And one more organ!

This discovery is not entirely a surprise.

Already, in the Netherlands, researchers had found microplastics in the blood of humans. (3)

Other studies have shown the presence of microplastics in the lungs (4), microbiota (5), liver (6), placenta (7) and testes. (8)

This time it's about the brain.

This means that the various biological barriers that protect the brain allow microplastics to pass through.

Normally, the brain is protected from toxic substances present in the human body by the blood-brain barrier. (9)

This barrier controls the blood entering the brain.

But, this time, it's not the blood that carries toxic substances.

The air is inspired. And in this air, there can be plastic.

Because the plastic particles found by the researchers are microscopic. They measure between 5.5 and 26.5 micrometers. (1)

They are finer than dust and are easily breathable, unfortunately.

What plastics have researchers found in the brain?

The most common plastic was polypropylene, found in 44% of human tissues analyzed.

And where can we find polypropylene (PP)? It is found in food packaging of fatty substances such as butter, certain synthetic fibers, straws and even household appliances. (10)

In France, to look good, the authorities have banned single-use plastic straws. (11)

It's good. But that's only a very small part of the problem.

Other plastics found by researchers in the study include polyamide (or nylon) which is present in carpets, synthetic clothing and various industrial products. (12)

The researchers also noted the presence of polyethylene which is used to make plastic bottles, containers and bags. (13)

They also identified the presence of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) which is used to make flexible packaging and certain shoes, particularly sports shoes. (14)

What are the effects of these plastics on health?

These plastics are endocrine disruptors.

They can weaken the human body's chemical communication systems, linked to hormones.

For the moment, researchers do not dare to make too precise hypotheses about the effects of these plastics on health

But they suspect a harmful influence on the nervous system. (1)

They also believe that the presence of microplastics in the brain could promote the appearance or development of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and in particular Alzheimer's. (1)

But there are other areas of concern for the scientific community.

These plastics are never present alone.

They are often associated with adjuvants or additives, which themselves can be toxic. (15)

Can the accumulation of these toxic materials further increase the risk of inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases?

The answer is not given in the study. But it's likely, unfortunately.

Where do olfactory bulb plastics come from?

Plastic in the air comes from the global consumption of plastic consumer goods.

Their decomposition in the environment contaminates the water you drink, the air you breathe and even the food you eat. (16)

Thus the air in cities, but also the air inside homes, can contain plastic microparticles.

This plastic largely comes from plastic packaging, whether food or not. In the EU, the production of plastic waste is still increasing.

In 2024, it will exceed 16 million tonnes. In 2011, it was 12 million. (17)

It also comes from clothing: more than 65% of textile fibers are synthetic. (18)

These plastics, when they deteriorate, break down into microplastics which take a long time to be absorbed by nature.

Depending on the plastics, this decomposition time is estimated between 500 and 1000 years, or around thirty generations, if there are three per century. (19)

Before they finally disappear, these microplastics contaminate their environment

If nothing is done, the proportion of plastic that we will find in human bodies will be considerable.

And even if we decided to stop using plastic now or drastically reduce its use, it would take time for all the plastic present in nature to eventually disappear.

How can you avoid exposure to these household plastics?

The first thing to do is open your windows.

There is often more polluted air indoors than outdoors.

Ventilation evacuates part of the stale air.

You can remove, as much as possible, all plastic equipment from your kitchen and above all never use plastic in the microwave.

Indeed, when you heat food in a plastic container in the microwave, plastic molecules are transferred from the container to the contents.

And the content is what you are going to eat or give to the baby…

Furthermore, you can opt for plastic-free clothing and shoes.

Synthetic clothing will release plastic each time it is washed in the washing machine. (20)

But it gets worse: these same clothes cause allergies and release plastic molecules into the skin. (20)

This is the case, for example, with polyester underwear which in the long term can be a cause of infertility or hormonal disorders. Better to avoid them.

Finally, filter your water with charcoal to eliminate as many impurities as possible, whether heavy metals, hydrocarbons or plastics!

I'll leave you.

I realize my window has been closed for a while. I'm going to open it.

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

#Institute #Protection #Natural # Health #Lots #plastic


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