ICTP - SAIFR - International Centre for Theoretical Physics - South American Institute for Fundamental Research
Em 2024: 3 notícias
Desde 1995: 12 notícias
FAPESP Postdoctoral Positions in Classical Gravity and Cosmology
Publicado em 23 julho 2024
The ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), located at the campus of the Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT-UNESP) in São Paulo, announces the opening of one or more FAPESP postdoctoral positions to begin any time in 2023 in the area of classical gravity and cosmology.
ICTP-SAIFR has a strong gravity group with faculty members Rogerio Rosenfeld and Riccardo Sturani, and a large group of associate members and postdocs and graduate students. [...]
Minicourse on perturbative and nonperturbative treatment of quantum gravity problems
Publicado em 01 maio 2024The event is intended as a discussion of specific problems of quantum gravity, with the focus on non-traditional, i.e. qualitatively new, aspects and non-perturbative approaches. The general goal is to explain (or at least better understand) the main contradiction of quantum gravity, which is that the theory to be renormalizable always has higher derivatives, and therefore contains massive higher-derivative ghosts. This leads to classical and quantum instabilities and, in the quantum theory, [...]ver notícia -
Second School on Dark Matter and Neutrino Detection
Publicado em 11 abril 2024In recent years, Dark Matter detection has shifted from a pure astrophysics field to laboratory physics. Currently, several operating experiments are probing the parameter space of Dark Matter properties and a myriad of techniques are being proposed and tested. Another rapidly growing field in experimental physics is Neutrino Detection. Although several of their properties, such as neutrino oscillations, are well established, many unknowns remain. For instance, we still need to know the [...]ver notícia -
Ricardo Martínez-García wins international career award in complex systems’ research
Publicado em 25 outubro 2023Physicist Dr. Ricardo Martínez-García is one of the two recipients of the 2023 Junior Scientific Award of the Complex Systems Society (CSS). The CSS grants this prize to young researchers who have achieved outstanding results in their pursuit to understand complex systems. The announcement was made on October 20 during the annual CSS conference, the world’s largest and most important international meeting for the complex systems research community. [...]ver notícia -
“Alça de bota”: um “truque” da Física para questões muito complexas
Publicado em 05 outubro 2023Técnica do bootstrap, que permite obter resultados a partir de princípios gerais, tem sido explorada por colaboração global de pesquisadores Em inglês, há uma expressão que pode ser traduzida como “puxar-se pelas alças das próprias botas”, utilizada para situações difíceis que alguém precisa resolver sozinho sem ajuda externa. Essa expressão levou ao surgimento do termo bootstrap [...]ver notícia -
Second School on Data Science and Machine Learning
Publicado em 04 agosto 2023Machine Learning (ML) concepts will drive critical changes in our society during the next decades. The cross-cutting character of ML tools can be used to attack a wide variety of problems that could improve our lives, for instance, designing solutions for medical diagnosis, providing smart assistance to the disabled and the elderly, and building solutions for public safety. The positive impact of these applications is expected to raise awareness on the subject and guide the creation of new [...]ver notícia -
Origin of Matter Domination in the Universe
Publicado em 18 julho 2023The cosmic matter-antimatter asymmetry represents one of the main open puzzles in particle physics and cosmology. Since Andrei Sakharov identified in 1967 the necessary ingredients for baryogenesis, which is a mechanism to generate a cosmic matter-antimatter asymmetry, many exciting theoretical developments have taken place in the field. This two-week school will introduce graduate students (and young researchers not familiar with this field) to topics related to baryogenesis. This is a rich [...]ver notícia -
Bolsa Treinamento Técnico TT-5
Publicado em 11 julho 2023O ICTP Instituto Sul-Americano para Pesquisa Fundamental (ICTP-SAIFR) anuncia uma vaga de bolsa TT-5 da FAPESP com inscrições abertas até o preenchimento da vaga. ICTP-SAIFR é um centro regional sul-americano de física teórica e está localizado no campus do Instituto de Física Teórica da UNESP, em frente ao terminal rodoviário Barra Funda. O candidato precisa ter título de doutorado ou experiência de cinco [...]ver notícia -
School on Modern Amplitude Methods for Gauge and Gravity Theories
Publicado em 07 junho 2023Gauge theories and gravitational interactions form the basis of our current understanding of the universe. To realize them in a unified framework is a formidable task, yet common properties have been uncovered through a duality between color and kinematics and the subsequent double-copy perspective. More recently, observations of gravitational waves have triggered a surge of research in this field, and modern amplitudes-based techniques have been very useful for the general relativistic [...]ver notícia -
Workshop on Strong Electron Correlations in Quantum Materials: Inhomogeneities, Frustration, and Topology
Publicado em 16 dezembro 2022June 19-24, 2023 São Paulo, Brazil ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP The last decades have seen much progress in Condensed Matter Physics. On one hand, there were experimental discoveries of several novel materials displaying exotic behavior, such as unconventional superconductivity, fractional statistics, and topologically nontrivial phases. On the other hand, there was tremendous progress in engineering artificial systems like optical lattices, Rydberg atoms, and Floquet systems, [...]ver notícia