
ICTP - SAIFR - International Centre for Theoretical Physics - South American Institute for Fundamental Research
Em 2024: 3 notícias
Desde 1995: 12 notícias

FAPESP Postdoctoral Positions in Classical Gravity and Cosmology

Publicado em 23 julho 2024
The ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), located at the campus of the Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT-UNESP) in São Paulo, announces the opening of one or more FAPESP postdoctoral positions to begin any time in 2023 in the area of classical gravity and cosmology. ICTP-SAIFR has a strong gravity group with faculty members Rogerio Rosenfeld and Riccardo Sturani, and a large group of associate members and postdocs and graduate students. [...]