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Desde 1995: 32 notícias
Research Paves the Way for the Development of Vaccines for Emerging Viruses
Publicado em 30 janeiro 2018
The search for vaccines, treatments and preventive methods against infection by emerging viruses is one of the major challenges of global epidemiology. New pathological agents continue to emerge, such as the arbovirus transmitted by insects (in this case mosquitoes) that causes West Nile fever, named after being identified in Egypt, during the 1950s.
The disease affects thousands of people each year and is asymptomatic in 80 percent of cases. Roughly one in five infected people develops fever [...]
Metabolic Pathway Involved in Immune Response to Zika Also Participates in Neurogenesis
Publicado em 09 janeiro 2018Researchers at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in São Paulo State, Brazil, have identified molecules that serve as markers of Zika in blood serum taken from patients with this viral infection. The finding enabled the group to discover an important cellular signaling pathway involved in the immune response to Zika. The study was published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology. "This same cellular signaling pathway is involved in neurogenesis - the process of new neuron formation - and [...]ver notícia -
How Good Bacteria Control Your Genes
Publicado em 09 janeiro 2018Scientists from the Babraham Institute near Cambridge in collaboration with colleagues from Brazil and Italy have discovered a way that good bacteria in the gut can control genes in our cells. The work, published Jan. 9 in Nature Communications, shows that chemical messages from bacteria can change the location of key chemical markers throughout the human genome. By communicating in this way, the bacteria may help to fight infections and to prevent cancer. This work, led by Dr. Patrick [...]ver notícia -
Sepsis Kills Most in ICUs, With 55.7 Percent Mortality Rate
Publicado em 14 dezembro 2017Brazil has an extremely high rate of mortality from sepsis in intensive care units (ICUs), surpassing even mortality due to stroke and heart attack in ICUs. According to a survey conducted by researchers at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and the Latin American Sepsis Institute (LASI), more than 230,000 adults die from sepsis in ICUs every year. Even more alarmingly, 55.7 percent of sepsis cases in ICUs end in death. These numbers are from the first nationwide study of patients [...]ver notícia -
Inhibiting the Interaction of Key Proteins Can be an Effective Strategy to Kill Bacillus Bacteria
Publicado em 06 novembro 2017In an article published in Nature Communications on October 3, a group of scientists from Brazil and France describes a new strategy that could be useful to treat infection by drug-resistant pathogens. The project, supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP, aims at increasing the efficiency when fighting bacteria of the bacillus type - a rod-shaped or cylindrical bacteria that include several species that cause diseases in humans, such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa [...]ver notícia -
Study Suggests Pregnant Women Should be Tested More Than Once for the Presence of Zika
Publicado em 01 novembro 2017Molecular tests to detect Zika virus, which enable identification of the pathogen's genetic material in body fluids, such as blood, urine, semen and saliva during the acute phase of infection, have been used routinely in prenatal checkups for pregnant women with symptoms of the disease. Nevertheless, a new study conducted in Brazil suggests that a single negative test result may not be enough to reassure family members and doctors. The results were published recently in the journal Emerging [...]ver notícia -
Malaria Parasite in the Americas is More Genetically Diverse Than Previously Thought
Publicado em 27 outubro 2017The populations found in the Americas of Plasmodium vivax, one of the main human malaria parasites, are as genetically diverse as those found in Southeast Asia, where malaria transmission is much more frequent. Because P. falciparum, the predominant species of malaria parasite, displays low genetic diversity in the Americas compared with other regions, scientists believed the same was true for P. vivax. This belief is mistaken, according to a study by researchers at the University of São [...]ver notícia -
New Zika Serotypes May Emerge, Researcher Warns
Publicado em 10 outubro 2017Zika virus is mutating so fast in Brazilian patients that different serotypes of the pathogen could appear in the near future, as is already the case with dengue virus. This would hinder the production of a vaccine and impair the effectiveness of the diagnostic tests already developed. The alarm was sounded by Edison Luiz Durigon, Full Professor at the University of São Paulo's Biomedical Science Institute (ICB-USP), in Brazil. Such assertion is based on a study carried out by a group of [...]ver notícia -
Research Identifies Potential Targets for Treatment of Leishmaniasis
Publicado em 06 outubro 2017Brazilian researchers at the University of São Paulo's Bioscience Institute (IB-USP) are starting to unravel the molecular mechanisms by which the parasite that causes cutaneous leishmaniasis manages to circumvent the host organism's defenses and infect new cells. Cutaneous leishmaniasis, caused by protozoans of the genus Leishmania, produces skin lesions that are slow to heal. It is usually transmitted to humans and other mammals by bites of blood-feeding insects such as the sand fly (genus [...]ver notícia -
Oropouche Virus Could Emerge and Cause a Public Health Problem
Publicado em 22 agosto 2017After the Zika epidemic, which began in 2015, and the outbreak of yellow fever early in 2017, Brazil runs a serious risk of being afflicted by Oropouche, another virus that is widely distributed throughout South and Central America and the Caribbean. Oropouche has adapted to urban environments and is moving ever closer to Brazil's major cities. An arbovirus transmitted by a mosquito (like Zika and yellow fever), Oropouche causes acute fever and may lead to meningitis and meningoencephalitis [...]ver notícia