Health Reload
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 4 notícias
Chemical examine can umpire signaling pathway and retard dungeon advance by arboviruses
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Researchers during a Center for Medicinal Chemistry (CQMED) have detected a approach to umpire this pathway. Created with support from São Paulo Research Foundation — FAPESP by a Research Partnership for Technological Innovation module (PITE, CQMED is a section of a Brazilian Agency for Industrial Research and Innovation (EMBRAPII) that specializes in biopharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticals, comprising researchers from a University of Campinas’s Center for Molecular Biology and Genetic [...]
Cellular alterations boost disadvantage of portly and diabetic people to infection
Publicado em 27 fevereiro 2019People who suffer from obesity and type 2 diabetes are more likely to become victims of infectious diseases. Both conditions affect the immune system and hence increase the risk of infections. Scientists have long sought a deeper understanding of the mechanism underlying this weakness in the immune system of obese and diabetic individuals. A study performed at the University of São Paulo's Biomedical Science Institute (ICB-USP) in Brazil has now demonstrated that the propensity of people with [...]ver notícia -
Diets consisting of fewer calories urge dungeon performance
Publicado em 13 fevereiro 2019Some of these studies were presented on Day One of FAPESP Week London, holding place Feb 11-13, 2019. The studies were conducted underneath a auspices of a Center for Research on Redox Processes in Biomedicine (Redoxome — one of a Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDCs) saved by São Paulo Research Foundation — FAPESP. “We are looking during how changes to a diet impact metabolism and how that ends adult changing a contingency of carrying diseases compared with aging,” [...]ver notícia -
Oversized dishes have been shown to be a cause in obesity
Publicado em 30 janeiro 2019Published in a British Medical Journal, a investigate weighed and totalled a appetite calm of dishes served by restaurants in Brazil, China, Finland, Ghana and India. The formula showed that 94% of a many renouned categorical dishes served in sit-down restaurants and 72% of those purchased over a opposite from quick food outlets contained some-more than 600 kilocalories (kcal), a benchmark recently endorsed by a United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) to assistance revoke a tellurian [...]ver notícia