Green Health Live
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Desde 1995: 5 notícias
Study clarifies how physical exercise burns muscle fat
Publicado em 26 outubro 2022
An article published in Science Advances describes for the first time a neuromuscular circuit that links the burning of muscle fat to the action of a protein in the brain.
The findings, obtained in Brazil by researchers at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and the University of São Paulo (USP), contribute to a deeper understanding of how regular physical exercise helps weight loss, reinforcing the importance of this habit to good health.
“We set out to study the [...]
Vaccination has changed the profile of hospitalized COVID-19 patients and those who die from the disease
Publicado emVaccination has changed the profile of hospitalized COVID-19 patients and people who die from the disease in Brazil. A study conducted in São José do Rio Preto, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, reports on the start of this process. Researchers affiliated with the Virology Laboratory at São José do Rio Preto Medical School (FAMERP) retrospectively analyzed data for 2,777 patients treated between January 5 and September 12, 2021, at the region’s base [...]ver notícia -
SARS-CoV-2 can remain active for longer than recommended quarantine period, study shows
Publicado em 27 janeiro 2022In a 38-year-old man who manifested mild symptoms of COVID-19 for 20 days, the novel coronavirus continued to be detected and to undergo mutations for 232 days. If he had not been given continuous medical care, maintained social distancing and worn a mask, he could have spread the virus throughout these seven months. The atypical case of infection by SARS-CoV-2 was part of a study involving 38 Brazilian patients followed on a weekly basis between April and November 2020 by researchers [...]ver notícia -
Arsenal used by parasite to affect cellular defense and enhance leishmaniasis is revealed
Publicado emResearchers have succeeded in revealing the arsenal used by protozoans of the genus Leishmania in human cells to make leishmaniasis more severe, especially in cases of the mucocutaneous variety of the disease, which can cause deformations in patients. The discovery points the way to a search for novel treatments for the disease as well as casting light on a key mechanism involved in other diseases. The mechanism involves Leishmania, macrophages and a virus that lives endosymbiotically in the [...]ver notícia -
Portable device can be used to diagnose eye disease remotely
Publicado em 26 junho 2019A portable device connected to a smartphone makes precise images of the retina to detect back-of-the-eye (fundus) disease at a far lower cost than conventional methods. Created by Phelcom Technologies, a startup based at São Carlos in São Paulo State, Brazil, the Eyer can be used for remote diagnosis by an ophthalmologist via telemedicine. Phelcom’s São Carlos factory came online in March after winning certification from the National Institute of Metrology, Quality [...]ver notícia