Secondo lo studio, l’aminoacido taurina potrebbe essere impiegato nelle terapie anti-età.
Le nostre cellule producono sottoprodotti potenzialmente tossici noti come “radicali liberi” quando scompongono l’ossigeno che respiriamo e il cibo che consumiamo ogni giorno per poter esistere. Alcune di queste molecole svolgono importanti funzioni biologiche, ma se ce ne sono troppe, le strutture cellulari interne possono essere danneggiate, compromettendo la capacità delle cellule di funzionare e causando eventualmente malattie croniche. Ci riferiamo a questo processo come stress ossidativo.
I nostri corpi hanno un notevole arsenale di enzimi antiossidanti che aiutano a mantenere un sano equilibrio delle specie reattive dell’ossigeno, ma con l’avanzare dell’età questi meccanismi di controllo diminuiscono. Un recente studio pubblicato sulla rivista Nutrizione suggerisce di integrare la propria dieta con l’ammino[{” attribute=””>acid taurine could be a realistic approach to address the issue.
The study reported in the study was carried out at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil. It involved 24 female volunteers aged 55 to 70. They were randomly separated into two groups. One group consumed three 500 mg capsules of taurine per day for 16 weeks (1.5 g per day). The other group received pills that simply contained corn starch (placebo). Neither the volunteers nor the researchers were aware of which group each participant belonged to.
Oxidative stress markers were analyzed in blood samples taken before and after the intervention. One of the most intriguing findings was an almost 20% rise in levels of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the taurine group, compared to a 3.5% drop in the control group. SOD, the scientists explain, protects cells from the harmful reactions of the superoxide radical.
“Preventing the buildup of free radicals that naturally occurs with aging probably prevents cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, among other chronic conditions,” said Ellen de Freitas. Freitas is a professor at the Ribeirão Preto School of Physical Education and Sports (EEFERP-USP) and co-principal investigator for a project supported by FAPESP.
According to Freitas, very few studies of the effects of taurine in the context of aging can be found in the scientific literature. “This study was a first step, aimed at investigating the ideal dose and possible side effects, none of which was observed in any of the participants,” she said.
Anti-aging therapy
Taurine is a nutrient found in certain foods, such as fish, shellfish, chicken, turkey, and beef. Additionally, it is naturally produced in some tissues of the human body, particularly the liver, and is important to the functioning of the central nervous system, immunity, eyesight, and fertility.
The Freitas group has been studying taurine’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties for at least 10 years, initially in high-performance athletes and later in obese people, with daily dosages ranging from 3 g to 6 g. “The results showed that oxidative stress in these individuals could be controlled when their diet was supplemented with this amino acid. We then decided to test the strategy in the context of aging. This was very novel, so we began with a very low safety dose,” Freitas said.
The initial plan was to look at the effects of taurine supplementation in conjunction with exercise training, as well as both treatments separately. Physical activity is thought to be one of the main ways to regulate levels of oxidizing substances and antioxidants in the body, and the proper amount is thought to enhance the benefits of taurine. However, because of the pandemic and the fact that the volunteers were in a high-risk group for COVID-19 complications, the researchers chose to solely proceed with the nutritional component of the study, which could be monitored remotely.
Two other markers of oxidative stress were analyzed besides SOD: the antioxidant enzyme glutathione reductase (GR), which decreased significantly in both groups, and malondialdehyde (MDA), which increased 23% in the control group and decreased 4% in the taurine supplementation group.
“These results were modest, but we believe a higher dose of taurine could produce stronger evidence for its benefits,” Freitas said.
For Gabriela Abud, the first author of the article and currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Ribeirão Preto Medical School (FMRP-USP), changes in the volunteers’ diet in the early months of the pandemic owing to lockdown may have affected the results of the biochemical analysis.
“In addition to markers of oxidative stress, we analyzed levels of minerals such as selenium, zinc, magnesium, and calcium, which are important to the functioning of these enzymes,” Abud explained. “Selenium, for example, is a co-factor for glutathione peroxidase [which indirectly helps eliminate hydrogen peroxide from the organism] ed è stato ridotto in entrambi i gruppi.
Per Freitas, l’integrazione di taurina è solo la “ciliegina sulla torta” e da sola non può fare miracoli. “Uno stile di vita sano con una dieta equilibrata e un regolare esercizio fisico è fondamentale affinché si verifichi l’effetto anti-età”, ha affermato.
Nel prossimo studio, il gruppo prevede di includere donne obese di età compresa tra 60 e 75 anni con sarcopenia, una graduale perdita di massa muscolare che può essere esacerbata da un’infiammazione cronica. “Queste persone corrono un rischio acuto di sviluppare complicazioni. Offriremo un allenamento fisico associato all’integrazione di taurina a 3 g al giorno e osserveremo le possibili alterazioni dovute a questi interventi”, ha affermato Freitas.
È importante tenere a mente che i benefici ei rischi dell’integrazione alimentare di taurina sono ancora oggetto di studio. Gli integratori alimentari non devono essere assunti senza controllo medico.
Riferimento: “Taurina come possibile terapia antietà: uno studio clinico controllato sull’attività antiossidante della taurina nelle donne dai 55 ai 70 anni” di Gabriela Ferreira Abud M.Sc., Flavia Giolo De Carvalho Ph.D., Gabriela Batitucci Ph.D., Sofia Germano Travieso B.Sc., Carlos Roberto Bueno Junior Ph.D., Fernando Barbosa Junior Ph.D., Julio Sergio Marchini Ph.D. e Ellen Cristinide Freitas Ph.D., 11 giugno 2022, Nutrizione.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nut.2022.111706