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Giro Pagamentos is approved in the PIPE-FAPESP program (149 notícias)

Publicado em 28 de novembro de 2024

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THE Giro Payments , a payment facilitator for the public and private sectors, has reached another milestone by being approved for the Innovative Research in Small Businesses (PIPE) program of the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) – PIPE-FAPESP.

“The approved project aims to integrate self-service services in kiosks that unify digital documentation from notary offices with government services, such as Poupatempo. The proposal seeks to offer greater accessibility and efficiency for citizens in high-traffic locations, making the experience simpler and faster,” said Luis Siso, CEO of Giro Pagamentos.

Innovation and social impact

Since its founding in 2015, Giro Pagamentos has been working to improve financial relationships between individuals, companies and public institutions. “The recognition by FAPESP goes beyond a seal of approval; it reinforces the company's mission to transform the interaction between citizens and public services, offering greater agility, security and efficiency to everyday transactions,” he said. Fabio Sakata , CEO of Lewis Clark , a company specialized in preparing documentation to raise financial resources for research and development projects, a partner of Giro Pagamentos in this project.


Created by FAPESP in 1997, the Innovative Research in Small Businesses Program (PIPE) has already supported more than 1,700 companies. The objectives of PIPE are: (a) to support innovation and increase the competitiveness of companies; (b) to increase economic and social development; and (c) to contribute to the formation of technology development centers in companies and to the employment of researchers in the market.