Veículo (Colômbia)
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 7 notícias
La terapia génica desactiva las mutaciones de un gen asociado al autismo en «minicerebros»
Publicado em 03 maio 2022
El uso de mini organoides cerebrales humanos han servido para demostrar cómo una mutación genética asociada a una forma profunda de autismo altera el desarrollo neuronal. Y ahora, un equipo de la Universidad de California en San Diego (EE.UU.)
ha empelado la terapia génica para recuperar la función del gen y rescatar la estructura y la función neuronal.
Algunas enfermedades neurológicas y neuropsiquiátricas, como los trastornos del [...]
Brasil detecta el SARS-CoV-2 en las encías de pacientes infectados de Covid - Chile
Publicado em"La presencia del SARS-CoV-2 en el tejido periodontal puede ser uno de los factores que contribuyen a la presencia de ese virus en la saliva", según un estudio. Enfermeros acomodan el cuerpo de un fallecido por covid-19 en una morgue improvisada en la iglesia de un hospital de São Leopoldo, en la región metropolitana de Porto Alegre (Brasil).Enfermeros acomodan el cuerpo de un fallecido por covid-19 en una morgue improvisada en la iglesia de un hospital de [...]ver notícia -
Hallan el factor que hace más contagiosa a la cepa británica de coronavirus: una mutación de la proteína 'spike'
Publicado em 05 janeiro 2021- Es un 70% más infecciosa que otras variantes porque su proteína spike tiene una mayor fuerza de interacción molecular. - Así se reproduce por España la cepa británica: mapa de las autonomías más y menos afectadas Las partículas del COVID-19 (morado) atacan a las células (verde). Esta epidemia se ha cobrado hasta el momento en España la vida de más de 4.000 personas.Las partículas del COVID-19 (morado) [...]ver notícia -
New strategy for treating the most aggressive type of brain cancer
Publicado em 27 novembro 2019Researchers from the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil have developed a strategy for treating the most aggressive type of brain cancer in adults that combines a photoactive molecule and a chemotherapeutic agent—both encapsulated in protein-lipid nanoparticles. Results of the research, supported by São Paulo Research Foundation—FAPESP, were presented during the FAPESP Week France symposium, by Antônio Claudio Tedesco, of the Center for Nanotechnology, [...]ver notícia -
Discovery Paves The Way For Blocking Malaria Transmission In Brazil
Publicado em 22 novembro 2019Research suggests that bacteria present in the intestine of the Anhopheles darlingi mosquito influence the development of the parasite that causes the disease in the insect’s body and the chances of transmission to humans The bacteria that form the gut microbiota influence important processes of the human body, such as digestion, nutrient absorption, and defense against pathogens. The same type of relationship is present in most animals, including in the Anhopheles darlingi mosquito, the [...]ver notícia -
Listening to music while driving may help calm the heart
Publicado em 14 novembro 2019Driving can be very stressful, particularly if you are stuck in heavy traffic or are an inexperienced driver, and this stress will eventually take its toll on the heart. However, researchers now confirm that there is a simple fix for this problem: listening to the right music while driving. Past research has shown that experiencing frequent psychological stress can be a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease, a condition that affects almost half of [...]ver notícia -
Listening to music while driving reduces cardiac stress
Publicado em 12 novembro 2019Stress while driving is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease and sudden cardiac complications such as heart attack (myocardial infarction), according to studies published in recent years. Selecting suitable driving music may be one way to mitigate this risk. A study by researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Marília, Brazil, suggests that listening to instrumental music, for example, may relieve cardiac stress. The results of the study, [...]ver notícia