Forward-Looking (Reino Unido)
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Desde 1995: 2 notícias
Communication about suicide on the Internet can increase risk – 05/03/2022
Publicado em 03 maio 2022
Residents of the cities with the lowest suicide rates located in the state of São Paulo (Registro and São José dos Campos) posted more about the subject on Twitter but, contrary to what one imagined, most posts did not contain harmful content, did not express suicidal intentions, behavior or suffering.
The results are part of the doctoral thesis of Camila Corrêa Matias Pereira, defended at the EERP (Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing) at USP.
The study also [...]
The internet visionary: Revista Pesquisa Fapesp
Publicado em 15 abril 2022It is impossible to tell the story of the Internet in Brazil without highlighting the name of computer scientist Tadao Takahashi, who died suddenly on April 6 from heart complications. Born 71 years ago in Marília, in the interior of São Paulo, he played a fundamental role in the planning, implementation and development of the Internet in the country. In the 1980s, Takahashi was the creator of the National Research Network (RNP), an organization linked to the then Ministry of [...]ver notícia