The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI), in partnership with the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP), launched on Tuesday (14) the Centelha SP program, which aims to support the creation of startups and innovative ventures in the state.
The project, which will offer training to entrepreneurs, financial resources and support to transform ideas into successful businesses. 50 initiatives that stand out will be selected, which will receive a funding of R$ 80 thousand.
The selection process comprises three phases, the first for the presentation of ideas, the second for the construction of an enterprise project, and the third corresponds to the preparation of a project of development.
The initiative reaches 26 states and was created by the MCTI and the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep), in partnership with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the National Council of State Foundations for Research Support (Confap) and the Certi Foundation.
Startups interested in participating in the program must register on the São Paulo State Spark Program and describe a problem, a solution proposal, the solution's differentials and the entrepreneurial team. The person responsible for registration will also be able to present a video explaining their idea.
Proposals can be submitted by individuals who have a relationship as the owner or partner-owner of a microenterprise or small business.
In addition, it must be headquartered in São Paulo and have been incorporated within 12 months prior to the publication date of the program's edict.
Individuals with no links to companies can also participate, however, if the proposal is approved, the entrepreneur must set up a micro-enterprise or small business to contract the project and receive the financial resources. This company must also be headquartered in São Paulo.