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Educational game raises awareness among young people about measures to combat dengue (361 notícias)

Publicado em 22 de fevereiro de 2024

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Given the growing number of dengue cases registered in the country at the beginning of 2024, the virtual games portal Ludo Educativo is relaunching the game Contra a Dengue 3 – No Mundo Digital, whose objective is to contribute to raising awareness about measures to combat the proliferation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

In this game, which is part of the Against Dengue series, the fearless protagonist, Sophia, embarks with her older brothers – Renata and Rômulo – into the digital world. In this adventure, the player will fight, in addition to dengue fever, the chikungunya virus and the zika virus, also transmitted by Aedes.

To be successful in her endeavor, Sophia must find and eliminate all dengue outbreaks, which is the most efficient way to combat the mosquito. Throughout her journey, the girl will be helped by her older brothers to cover old tires, properly store the trash and put sand in the dishes of plant pots. On the journey, with each new visit to the digital world, the game’s configuration changes, guaranteeing the player a challenge that is constantly renewed, enabling varied challenges and hours of educational entertainment. The game can be accessed via the link:


Ludo Educativo is a university extension project that develops educational games and makes them available for free on the internet. The games address various issues present in the daily lives of children and adolescents, such as water scarcity, environmental preservation and preparation for university entrance exams.

This is one of the dissemination projects of the Functional Materials Development Center (CDMF), FAPESP’s Research, Innovation and Diffusion Center (Cepid) based at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), conducted in partnership with Aptor Software , a spin-off of CDMF.

“To combat dengue, educating the population at all levels is essential. The game teaches you how to prevent mosquitoes from spreading in a playful way. In this way, the CDMF is actively participating in the campaign against dengue”, Elson Longo, professor at UFSCar and coordinator of Cepid, tells Agência FAPESP.

Contra a Dengue 3 – No Mundo Digital is one of the 80 games developed since the beginning of the project. Currently, around 50 are accessible to the public. The older ones are in the process of being adapted to become compatible with current browsers. The games are divided by series/year. There are also activities for painting and drawing, in addition to Ludo Escola – an area in which teachers can organize courses by class and monitor students’ progress, creating online assessments.