Daily Green World
Em 2024: 4 notícias
Desde 1995: 11 notícias
Early warning systems and plans to avert disasters due to extreme rainfall are still flawed, study shows
Publicado em 26 junho 2024
The constant rise in temperatures and increasing frequency of extreme weather events, especially rainstorms, requires Brazilian towns and cities to develop contingency plans that include efficient monitoring, rapid response, and an efficient local early warning system. The population must understand the threat and know what to do when the responsible bodies issue a warning of an imminent disaster. Urban planning and adequate infrastructure also play an important role to avoid economic losses [...]
Drought in the Brazil’s Cerrado is the worst for at least seven centuries, study shows
Publicado em 23 maio 2024A study conducted by researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil and reported in an article published in Nature Communications shows that the Cerrado, Brazil’s savanna biome, is experiencing the worst drought for at least 700 years. Here’s why. The effects of global warming have been particularly intense in the central region of the country, where the rise in temperatures is about 1 °C higher than the 1.5 °C global average. This has produced [...]ver notícia -
Wildfires in old-growth Amazon forest areas rose 152% in 2023, study shows
Publicado em 10 maio 2024Although the rate of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon fell in 2023, the region is faced with another challenge in the shape of fire affecting the native vegetation that has so far been spared destruction. An article published in the journal Global Change Biology warns that wildfires in old-growth forests rose 152% last year compared with 2022, despite a drop of 16% in the total number of fires throughout the Amazon and a 22% drop in deforestation. In an analysis of satellite images, the [...]ver notícia -
In Brazil, 76% of deforestation in three Amazonian states occurred in a planned agricultural development zone
Publicado em 07 maio 2024The Brazilian government is discussing the creation of an “agricultural development zone” at the confluence of three states in the Amazon region—Amazonas, Acre, and Rondônia (hence the proposed acronym AMACRO). Meanwhile, deforestation in the region continues, with the planned zone accounting for 76.5% of deforestation in the three states between 2018 and 2022, warns an article published in the journal Perspectives in Ecology and [...]ver notícia -
Study estimates how much deforestation could increase if restrictions on mining in the Amazon are lifted
Publicado em 26 outubro 2022A model developed by Brazilian researchers shows that opening up protected areas of the Amazon to mining projects would lead to the deforestation of 183 square kilometers (km²) due directly to new mines and the loss of an additional 7,626 km² of forest to the direct and indirect impacts of infrastructure construction. The scientists mapped 242 mineral deposits in the National Reserve of Copper and Associated Minerals (RENCA), an area located in the northern states of Amapá [...]ver notícia -
Study quantifies impact of human activity on Atlantic Rainforest’s carbon storage capacity
Publicado em 13 setembro 2022The countless benefits of native forests include the capacity of tree biomass to store large amounts of carbon, which can counterbalance greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. A paper published in the journal Science Advances reports on an innovative analysis of a large dataset designed to clarify the concept of carbon sequestration, a strategic issue in the discussion of global climate change. “We still know little about the factors that can lead forests to store more or less [...]ver notícia -
Amazon deforestation threatens newly discovered fish species in Brazil
Publicado em 17 maio 2022Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History researcher Murilo Pastana and his colleagues have discovered and described two new species of Amazonian fish—one with striking red-orange fins and the other so small it is technically considered a miniature fish species—in a paper published today, May 16, in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society . Both species inhabit waters located at the bleeding edge of human encroachment into the Amazon rainforest roughly 25 miles [...]ver notícia -
Deforestation of Indigenous lands could prevent Brazil from achieving climate change mitigation targets
Publicado em 19 abril 2022Indigenous lands in the Brazilian Amazon are under constant pressure, and deforestation of these areas has accelerated in recent years. Some of them, such as Apyterewa Indigenous Territory in Pará state, are particularly affected, endangering Brazil’s ability to meet the targets to which it is committed internationally in terms of combating deforestation and mitigating the impact of climate change. To protect the areas of the Amazon that are still intact, effective action must be [...]ver notícia -
Study proposes to involve high school students in mapping natural disaster hazards and impact prevention
Publicado emSeveral natural disasters have afflicted various parts of Brazil since 2022 began, from deadly flooding and mudslides due to abnormally heavy rain in the states of Minas Gerais, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, to severe drought in Rio Grande do Sul state. However, only 6.1% of its 5,568 municipalities have plans of any kind to mitigate the risk and impact of such disasters, according to a survey by IBGE, the national census and statistics bureau. An [...]ver notícia -
Deforestation And Climate Change Threaten Brazil’s New Agricultural Frontier
Publicado emDeforestation for agribusiness expansion in Brazil, in conjunction with climate change, has worsened the already severe drought suffered in the last decade by the transition zone between the eastern Amazon and the Cerrado, the vast tropical savanna ecoregion in central and western Brazil. This combination of trends endangers the stability of the biomes concerned and constitutes a risk to food production in the region known as MaToPiBa, a portmanteau of Maranhão, Tocantins, [...]ver notícia