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Chronic Joint Pain Plus Depression Can Take Toll on the Brain (134 notícias)

Publicado em 22 de novembro de 2024 (EUA) Antelope County News (EUA) online Citizen Tribune (EUA) Semiconductor Digest (EUA) Floyd County Chronicle & Times (EUA) WFMZ-TV 69 News (EUA) Tracy Press (EUA) Mingo Messenger (EUA) The Cutoff News (EUA) Marietta Daily Journal (EUA) online ABC FOX Montana (EUA) News On The Neck (EUA) GPK Media (EUA) Victoria Advocate (EUA) The Connection (EUA) CereSync Chronicle-Tribune (EUA) online Corydon Times Republican (EUA) The Delta News (EUA) Chicot County Spectator (EUA) The Fairfield Sun Times (EUA) Regenerative Medical Group World Journal (EUA) El Paso Inc. (EUA) online Tyler Morning Telegraph online (EUA) NewsGraphic (EUA) Goldsboro News-Argus (EUA) online St. Joseph News-Press (EUA) online Lenoir News-Topic (EUA) online WJAG Radio 780 AM | 105.9 FM The Rochester Sentinel (EUA) online The Daily Herald (Roanoke Rapids, NC, EUA) online The Shelbyville News (EUA) online The Cheyenne Post (EUA) The Daily Courier (EUA) online The Mountaineer (EUA) The Press (EUA) The Tullahoma News (EUA) Cetus News Voice of Alexandria (EUA) VTCNG - Vermont Community Newspaper Group (EUA) Walker Pilot Independent (EUA) Watauga Democrat (EUA) online Life Technology Manchester Times (EUA) The Anniston Star (EUA) online Bellevue Herald Leader (EUA) online Ashe Post & Times (EUA) High Country NC (EUA) Maquoketa Sentinel-Press (EUA) The McDuffie Progress (EUA) Mesabi Tribune (EUA) online The Daily Record (EUA) online KXLG Radio (EUA) NCWLIFE (EUA) The Clayton News (EUA) NBC Right Now (EUA) Bennington Banner (EUA) Agetech World (Reino Unido) Hermann Advertiser Courier (EUA) Chicago Star Media (EUA) Index-Journal (EUA) online Islander News (EUA) online KPVI-DTV (EUA) The Herald-Palladium (EUA) online Star Local Media (EUA) online Killeen Daily Herald (EUA) online Watertown Internists (EUA) Columbia Gorge News (EUA) The Manhattan Mercury (EUA) online The Laconia Daily Sun (EUA) online Fort Bend Herald (EUA) online FOX 28 Spokane (EUA) Frankfort Times (EUA) The Daily Sentinel (EUA) online Grand Rapids Herald-Review (EUA) Griffin Daily News (EUA) online Pacific Daily News (EUA) online Hazard Herald (EUA) Drug Today (Índia) Iosco County News-Herald (EUA) Drug Today (Índia) Weekly Gravy Senior Symptoms The Purdue Exponent (EUA) online Ashley County Ledger (EUA) (EUA) Smoke Signals News (EUA) InsideNoVA (EUA) online The Salem News Online (EUA) MedicineNet (EUA) The Weekly Journal (Porto Rico) Nbc 39 Wyoming News Now

THURSDAY, Nov. 21, 2024 -- Having achy, painful joints isn't just a physical woe: Coupled with depression, it could also degrade an older person's brain function over time.That's the conclusion of a study of almost 5,000 older Britons tracked for 12 years. People who had both chronic joint pain and depression tended to perform worse on cognitive tests, especially tests focused on memory skills.“Both pain and symptoms of depression act on areas of the brain [mainly the hippocampus] associated with cognitive processing,' explained Brazilian gerontology researcher and study lead author Patrícia Silva Tofani, of the Federal University of Sergipe.She has a theory as to how joint pain and depression might pose a double whammy to brain health.'There’s an overlap of information, causing the brain to become ‘congested’ and have to delegate some functions to process the pain response and the symptoms of depression,' she said in a university news release.


'This would interfere with formation of memory and global cognitive performance. In the study, we saw that over the years, this overload leads to faster cognitive decline.”The findings were published recently in the journal Aging & Mental Health.The study was based on data from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging, and looked at data on 4,718 Britons aged 50 or older whose health was tracked for a dozen years.


Among other things, they were queried as to their levels of any kind of joint pain (for example, of the knee or hip), and any level of depression.Tofani's group also tracked levels of cognition and memory decline over the study period. They looked at six cognitive 'domains': executive function (making decisions and planning and carrying out actions), language, attention, memory, perceptomotor (movement in response to se.
