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Butantan announces result of mass vaccination in Serrana next week (174 notícias)

Publicado em 28 de maio de 2021

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The results of the mass vaccination carried out by the government of Sao Paulo in the city of Mountain, inside, will be released next week. Call of Project S, the initiative to test the effectiveness of CoronaVac immunized 27,100 residents of the municipality with two doses. One of the objectives was to find out what percentage of the population needs to be vaccinated for the country to reach the so-called herd immunity, reducing the transmission of coronavirus. Without giving details, the governor João Doria confirmed the disclosure of the results.

Doria took the opportunity to praise the posture of the president of the Butantan Institute, Dimas Covas, on CPI to Covid-19. “Dimas Covas spoke the truth. The truth always hurts those who are propagandists of the lie, who are defenders of denialism. It certainly hurt in the soul, in the ear of these people. Whether in the National Congress, within the scope of the Planalto Palace, in ministries of that government that defend negationism. ” The governor announced on Thursday R $ 580 million in the FAPESP, an agency that promotes research in the State.

At the end of the year, the government had proposed cutting the Foundation’s budget by 30%. After protests, he backed off. FAPESP president Marco Antonio Zago stressed the importance of investing in science in times of a pandemic. “The fact is that the resources were fully preserved. And, today, as the governor is saying, they are about 1/3 larger than they were in 2019, 2020. So FAPESP is in a positive moment of growth in its resources.” According to the João Doria management, adding public and private sector investments, R $ 1 billion will be allocated to research.