
Rádio Brasil de Fato

Brazil can reach zero emission of pollutants with land use changes (289 notícias)

Publicado em 21 de dezembro de 2023

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According to a study presented at COP28, preserving biomes speeds up and cheapens the process to meet goals Nara Lacerda

An Oxford University study led by a Brazilian researcher shows that Brazil can save time and money to reduce gas emissions if it invests in solutions inspired by the natural processes of the biomes, particularly those related to land use.

The research “ Nature-based solutions are critical for putting Brazil on track towards net-zero emissions by 2050 ” shows that the country does not need to pay for more expensive technologies for twenty years if it prioritizes SBN.

“The implementation of existing and expected national policies, particularly on land use and changes in land/forest use, could help Brazil achieve its short- and long-term goals, including committing to net-zero emissions,” reads the text.

Aline Soterroni, an associated researcher at the Department of Biology of the University of Oxford and the main author of the study, explains that the application of these solutions, however, needs to go beyond compensation for emissions already polluting the air. For many companies, SBN became a way of not complying with reducing climate impacts.

“By implementing and prioritizing Nature-Based Solutions, we go beyond carbon from the point of view of adaptation and resilience, which are very important. But many companies use SBN to offset emissions they should reduce – and that is greenwashing. SBN cannot be used to postpone the decarbonization of the economy and the elimination of fossil fuel use," she warns.

Soterroni talked to Brasil de Fato at COP28, where she shared the study's results. In a projected scenario until 2050, Brazil could mitigate up to 80% of its gas emissions by ending deforestation and restoring vegetation. Agroecological systems , such as agroforests, can directly influence results.

Nevertheless, the advantages are not limited to meeting targets to curb emissions. Sustainable management and the recovery of destroyed vegetation boost the economy by ensuring the availability of natural resources. The measures also benefit food sovereignty and security.

"These actions are crucial to tackling the multiple crises we are facing, such as the climate, biodiversity and food security crises,” Soterroni highlights. The study also shows that, although Brazil has legislation and policies for recovering vegetation and against deforestation, their impact is still insufficient.

The full implementation of Brazil's Forest Code , for instance, could reduce 38% of emissions by 2050. To make good use of the advantage it has over other countries in the race to eliminate fossil fuel damage to the climate, Brazil needs to go beyond what is already in place.

“Most of the world's gas emissions actually come from burning fossil fuels. Land use and activities related to land use are the second largest source of emissions. Land use changes and the climate crisis are the main drivers of biodiversity loss,” says the researcher.

The study concludes that Brazil needs to review its short-term national goals to align them with its commitment to net-zero emissions by 2050. “The country has not yet presented a detailed plan to become net-zero in the long term,” it reads.

The analysis considered all sectors and biomes on the national territory and was based on statistics on deforestation and other land use changes. The unprecedented modeling enabled projections of greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors of the economy.