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Amazon Initiative +10 states have joined to invest in research in the region (246 notícias)

Publicado em 10 de junho de 2022

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Manaus (AM) – The so-called Amazon +10, an offshoot of the Amazon +10 Program, launched during the Annual Meeting of the Task Force of Governors for Climate and Forests (GCF Task Force), held in Manaus in March of this year, will support research that contributes to the resolution of priority problems for sustainable progress in the Amazon region.

The announcement was made during the Consecti and Confap National Forum, which takes place in the capital of Amazonas. The official opening of the event, on Thursday (9), was held by the governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima, who announced investments of R$ 5 million, through the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Amazonas (Fapeam), to the public call.

The Amazon +10 initiative also receives funds from other states in the Legal Amazon, through the Research Support Foundations (FAPs), in addition to contributions from the São Paulo Research Support Foundation (FAPESP) and from state governments in Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and South of the country, totaling 17 FAPs to date.

More than BRL 52 million will be invested in the call for the Amazon +10 Program. The director-president of Fapeam and vice-president of the National Council of State Foundations for Research Support (Confap), Márcia Perales Mendes Silva, highlighted that, whenever the new challenges in Brazil are discussed, inevitably, the Amazon must be guided, due to its grandeur and diversity.

“ We host the largest genetic bank in the world, the largest mineral province, an immeasurable biodiversity, but we also have a population of 35 million people in the Legal Amazon, composed of native peoples, remaining quilombola communities, extractive communities, riverside dwellers, caboclos, rubber tappers. , between others. We have more than 200,000 indigenous people and 180 indigenous peoples who speak different languages ”, said Marcia Perales.

For the president of Confap, Odir Dellagostin, the launch of a joint public notice between the FAPs demonstrates the synergy that exists between the different units of the federation and the importance that the Amazon has in the national and global context.

“ It is a very happy moment for us to launch a joint public notice between the FAPs. The initiative came from the secretaries of Consecti, together with FAPESP, who brought the idea and Confap welcomed and engaged in the structuring of this initiative ”, he added.

The director-president of FAPESP’s Technical-Administrative Council, Carlos Américo Pacheco, emphasized that the action is a strategy to create sustainable employment and income alternatives compatible with keeping the forest standing.

“ You will not have a reasonable answer for the Amazon if you do not provide real and sustainable alternatives, from an environmental point of view, but economically sustainable for this population that lives here. ”, he observed, adding that the initiative seeks solutions that point to scientific or innovative contributions to the resolution of priority problems.

According to the president of the National Council of State Secretaries for Science, Technology and Innovation Matters (Consecti), Rafael Pontes, one of the largest portfolios from Brazil to the world is the Amazon.

“ This collective effort seeks to bring and channel efforts to solve the problems of the Amazon and, with that, solve the problems of many, transferring technology to Brazil and the world. ”, he emphasized.

thematic axes

The public notice will support projects in the following areas: 1) Territories such as infrastructure and logistics that facilitate sustainable development in a multi-scale dimension; 2) Peoples of the Amazon as protagonists of knowledge and appreciation of biodiversity and adaptation to climate change; and 3) Strengthening sustainable production chains for the Amazonians. Projects will last up to 36 months.

The National Forum of Consecti and Confap brings together presidents and representatives of the 26 State Research Support Foundations (FAPs), state secretaries of Science, Technology and Innovation (CT&I), managers of academic and scientific entities and of federal and international ST&I

*With information from the Amazon Agency